Welcome to Perfect Phantasm. We are an original horror / fantasy role play set in a town named Westborough. There are all sorts of character opportunities, and we do have a small canon list should you want help with character ideas. Make sure to read the plot and other important threads before joining; if you have questions feel free to ask in the chat or our guest friendly areas.
Two universes clash after a certain act of mischief and people find themselves facing new allies, enemies and even cities. The sudden change is unexpected, but now people need to learn to live together, explore and accept it. But it isn't going to be easy, especially with how they are far away from peace.
Rise & Fall is a Marvel and DC comics roleplay forum, providing you the opportunity of playing your favourite canon characters of both universes. We accept comicbook, TV shows, animated series and movie version of characters. We also had a full revamp, so many characters are open. For a fun roleplaying experience, you can feel free to take a look to the forum.